Mark A. Boyd's

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This shows how one can create menus using graphical elements. Using graphics is somewhat labor intensive, but there have been enough requests that I made this up some time ago.

The behaviors support 4 states for the menu items; Active, Active Rollover, Ghosted (disabled), Ghosted Rollover. It has a function to update a field or text member which is handy for creating a status bar to show the purpose for the menu item.

A third behavior, used to show/hide the menus is used in "grouping" the sprites. More details on (and an updated version of) this behavior is available on the show/hide page.

Download windowsUI.dir
Sorry for the lack of documentation in the scripts. These were developed while communicating with a student and the explanations all happened in the email. If you have specific questions about these behaviors, you're welcome to contact me.

Director 7 scripts. To use with D8 or higher replace all ¬ characters with \.

The Lingo:
(Syntax highlighting provided by David Mennenoh's way cool HTML-ingo utility).

-- menuActivator script

global gMenuActive
property spriteNum, mySprite
property myMem, overOn, overMem
property myGroup, myGroupActive

on beginSprite me
  mySprite = sprite(spriteNum)
  myMem = mySprite.member

on mouseDown me
  if myGroup = "Control" then
    gMenuActive = 0
    gMenuActive = NOT gmenuActive
  end if

on mouseUp me

on mouseEnter me
  if myGroup = "Control" then exit
  if gMenuActive then
    if overOn and myGroupActive then mySprite.member = member(overMem)
  end if

on activate me, whichGroup, whichWay
  if whichGroup <> myGroup then
    myGroupActive = 0
    myGroupActive = whichWay
  end if
  if whichWay = 1 then
    mySprite.member = member(overMem)
  else mySprite.member = member(myMem)

on deactivate me
  myGroupActive = 0

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  if the currentSpriteNum < 1 then exit
  pList = [:]
  tmp = sprite(the currentSpriteNum).member
  if member(tmp).type = #bitmap then
    memNum = member(tmp).number + 1
    memLib = member(tmp).castLibNum
    defMem = member(memNum,memLib)
  else defMem = tmp
  pList.addProp (#overOn,[¬
  #comment:"Rollover on?"
  pList.addProp (#overMem,[¬
  #comment:"Rollover member"
  #comment:"Name of my group of sprites"
  return pList

on getBehaviorDescription me
  str = " Use this behavior along with the" &&quote &"MenuBehavior" &quote &&"behavior "
  "to create a menuing system. It uses graphic members for all the menu states." &RETURN &RETURN
  " Drop this behavior on the sprite that will open the menu, ie: File" &RETURN &RETURN
  " It will pop up a dialog box asking you to turn on/off the rollover feature "
  "(the" &&QUOTE &"Control" &QUOTE &&"menu is normally off), the rollover member to "
  "use, and a name for grouping the sprites used to create this menu." &RETURN
  " If rollover is on and menus have been activated by clicking this sprite "
  "or another sprite with this behavior, then it will cause the sprites in this "
  "group to become visible and cause other opened menus (groups) to disappear."
  return str

-- menuBehavior script

global gMenuActive
property spriteNum, mySprite
property myMem, overOn, overMem, myDisableMem, myDisableOverMem
property lingoOn, doLingo
property myGroup, myGroupActive, myMenuSprite
property myEnable, myStartEnable
property myTipOn, myTip, myTipSprite, myTipMem
property myLoc

on beginSprite me
  mySprite = sprite(spriteNum)
  myLoc = mySprite.loc
  mySprite.locV = -1000
  myMem = mySprite.member
  myGroupActive = 0
  if myTipOn then myTipMem = sprite(myTipSprite).member
  if NOT myStartEnable then
    myEnable = 0
    mySprite.member = member(myDisableMem)
    myEnable = 1
  end if

on mouseEnter me
  if myTipOn then member(myTipMem).text = myTip
  if overOn then
    if myEnable then
      mySprite.member = member(overMem)
    else mySprite.member = member(myDisableOverMem)
  end if

on mouseLeave me
  if myTipOn then member(myTipMem).text = EMPTY
  if myEnable then
    mySprite.member = myMem
  else mySprite.member = member(myDisableMem)

on mouseUp me
  if myEnable then
    if myTipOn then member(myTipMem).text = EMPTY
    gMenuActive = 0
    if lingoOn and myEnable then
      do doLingo
    end if
  end if

on mouseUpOutside me
  if myTipOn then member(myTipMem).text = EMPTY
  gMenuActive = 0

on endSprite me
  sprite(spriteNum).visible = 1

-- usage: sendAllSprites(#toggleVis,"groupName",[0|1])
on toggleVis me, whichGroup, whichWay
  -- I used "All" on the background sprite
  if whichGroup = "All" then gMenuActive = 0
  if whichGroup = myGroup then
    if whichWay.voidP then
      myGroupActive = NOT myGroupActive
      myGroupActive = whichWay
    end if
  else -- some other group - make sure I'm invisible
    myGroupActive = 0
  end if
  if myGroupActive then
    mySprite.loc = myLoc
    mySprite.locV = -1000
  end if
  -- toggle the menuActivator sprite, too. (see menuActivator behavior)
  sendSprite(myMenuSprite, #activate, myGroup, myGroupActive)

-- usage: sendSprite(n,#mEnable)
on mEnable me
  myEnable = 1
  mySprite.member = member(myMem)

-- usage: sendSprite(n,#mDisable)
on mDisable me
  myEnable = 0
  mySprite.member = member(myDisableMem)

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  if the currentspriteNum < 1 then exit
  pList = [:]
  defMem = sprite(the currentSpriteNum).member
  tipList = []
  menuList = []
  repeat with i = 1 to the lastChannel
    theType = sprite(i).member.type
    if theType = #empty then next repeat
    menuList.append(i &&"-" &&sprite(i)
    if theType = #field then
      tipList.append(i &&"-" &&sprite(i)
    end if
  end repeat
  defTip = tipList[1]
  defMenu = menuList[1]
  pList.addProp (#myMenuSprite,[¬
  #comment:"Which sprite is my menu sprite?"
  pList.addProp (#overOn,[¬
  #comment:"Rollover on?"
  pList.addProp (#overMem,[¬
  #comment:"Rollover member:"
  pList.addProp (#myStartEnable,[¬
  #comment:"Initially enabled?"
  pList.addProp (#myDisableMem,[¬
  #comment:"Disabled member:"
  pList.addProp (#myDisableOverMem,[¬
  #comment:"Disabled rollover member:"
  pList.addProp (#myTipOn,[¬
  #comment:"Use tool tip?"
  pList.addProp (#myTipSprite,[¬
  #comment:"Which sprite for the tips?"
  #comment:"Tool tip to display:"
  pList.addProp (#lingoOn,[¬
  #comment:"Use Lingo?"
  pList.addProp (#doLingo,[¬
  #comment:"Lingo command:"
  #comment:"Name of my group of sprites:"
  return pList

on getBehaviorDescription me
  str = " Use this behavior along with the" &&quote &"MenuActivator" &quote &&"behavior "
  "to create a menuing system. It uses graphic members for all the menu states, typically:" &RETURN &RETURN
  " Enabled" &RETURN &" Enabled - rollover" &RETURN &" Disabled" &RETURN
  " Disabled - rollover" &RETURN &RETURN
  " Drop this behavior on all the sprites used to create a menu, including its background sprite." &RETURN &RETURN
  " It will pop up a dialog box asking you to identify its menu activator sprite ie:File, "
  "whether it has rollover states turned on/off (all off for the background sprite), "
  "whether it should initially display its" &&QUOTE &"Enabled" &&QUOTE &"state or not, "
  "and which members to use for each state (if any). You will also be asked whether to use tool-tips "
  "and, if so, which sprite should display the text and what text to display. Next you "
  "can turn on/off the Lingo to execute on mouseUp and provide the Lingo to execute (may be "
  "custom handler). Finally, it asks you to supply a group name for this sprite. Provide the "
  "same name for all the sprites used in a menu. For instance, all sprites in the File menu "
  "might be in a group named File; Edit for the Edit menu, etc." &RETURN &RETURN
  " The" &&QUOTE &"Control" &QUOTE &&"menu (the one with Move, Restore, Minimize, etc.) "
  "REQUIRES the group name, Control. This is because the control menu does not open on "
  "mouseOver even when other menus have been activated."
  return str
